


    老版介绍:帕格诺尔马赛三部曲的第二部,前一部是《马里乌斯》(Marius),最后一部是《塞萨尔》(Cesar)。本集中芬尼怀了马里乌斯的孩子,但马里乌斯却选择了出海航行。芬尼无奈中跟年纪比她大很多但心地善良的帕尼斯结婚。帕尼斯是马里乌斯之父塞萨尔的朋友,而塞萨尔也出来开导芬尼,并当了孙子的“教父”。可是后来马里乌斯却回来了。 【新版暂无中文简介】 Who does [展开全文]

    Who does not know the trilogy of Marcel Pagnol? Who does not know Marius and Fanny as well the novels as movie of the same author for Marius and d Allégret for Fanny? In a decadent time, full of movies of free violence, full of empty movies, a space which expresses the vain character of our century, the support on sure values is also on the agenda because it establishes an existential relief and a good recommendation for our culture. Daniel Auteuil, a Big actor of the French cinema is the director of a proofreading of Marcel Pagnol, a success of the French cinema. He thus made two movies Marius and Fanny, two masterpieces. These new versions reach the level of the movie of Pagnol and overtake well the movie of Allégret while respecting character of these novels. Fanny is clearly better than Marius. We feel an evolution at the actors who reaches the excellence. We here is thus in Marseille of between two wars a city which has its charm and heroes who have a simple and often pure character. The dialogs are dense but thanks to their simplicity are accessible to everybody; nevertheless the level is raised brought up well and their contents carry solid values, even if sometimes they seem to us outmoded. In the fact which is happier? The man of our days or the person who corresponds to the characters of Marcel Pagnol? This is not a part of our critic, but the movie can remind us these questions. As we mentioned all the actors are excellent, but we have to distinguish Daniel Auteuil and Jean-Pierre Daroussin who understood well the universe of Pagnol and who they reach the level of the perfection. Also, if in Marius we feel a defect concerning the prosody of the accent of Provence it is corrected well in this movie. The images are beautiful and their colors redraw the style of Marseille of this time. Besides, in this work, they exceed clearly those of Marius. Movies Marius and Fanny establishes a new proofreading of this work which corresponds to all that the warned spectator or not can expect from this for work. If Marius is a beautiful realization of the French cinema, Fanny is appreciably better. It is about two references of the French-speaking cinema, because Daniel Auteuil respects Pagnol by recognizing his genius and he also respects his spectators.


      Fanny, amoureuse et abandonnée, apprend qu’elle attend un enfant de Marius. Elle se retrouve en position dramatique de mère-fille, incapable d’assurer son propre avenir et celui de son enfant. Elle accepte alors, avec l’approbation de sa mère et du grand-père de son enfant, César, de se marier avec un commerçant prospère du Vieux-Port, Honoré Panisse ; celui-ci est âgé de trente ans de plus qu’elle. Il reconnaît son enfant et l’élève comme le sien ; Panisse leur apporte une prospérité certaine, une honorabilité sociale retrouvée et un avenir confortable. Quelques mois après le mariage et la naissance du bébé, Marius, prenant conscience de son amour pour Fanny durant son voyage lointain, mais qui n’a pas de situation sérieuse, revient et cherche à reconquérir Fanny, toujours amoureuse de lui et à reprendre son enfant.
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