Frankie is a medical drama that follows Frankie Maddox (Eve Myles), a district nurse whose work always appears to take priority over her personal life. Created by Lucy Gannon, the series features Fran[展开全文]
Frankie is a medical drama that follows Frankie Maddox (Eve Myles), a district nurse whose work always appears to take priority over her personal life. Created by Lucy Gannon, the series features Frankie's life as she has her boyfriend Ian (Dean Lennox Kelly) by her side and team member Andy (Derek Riddell)
Having had a life-and-death situation with a young girl who needed a heart massage on the side of the road, Frankie has always made it her job to care for others. The series also stars Jemma Redgrave, Julia Ford, Leila Mimmack and Carla Henry.