The movie is a coming-of-age drama about a boy growing up in Astoria, N.Y., during the 1980s. As his friends end up dead, on drugs or in prison, he comes to believe he has been saved from their fate b[展开全文]
The movie is a coming-of-age drama about a boy growing up in Astoria, N.Y., during the 1980s. As his friends end up dead, on drugs or in prison, he comes to believe he has been saved from their fate by various so-called saints。一位作家讲述了他青少年时期在20世纪80年代的纽约Astoria经历的艰难岁月;在那里,他所有的朋友由于吸毒或坐牢都死了。该片表现了他如何想方设法保护自己不受伤害的过程。本片荣获日舞影展最佳导演奖,评审团特别奖,八零年代一名纽约皇后区长大的青少年(小劳勃道尼,西亚李毕福),当他的朋友一个个惨死,磕药或者坐牢,他逐渐开始相信来自天主的力量让他生存下去