
    • 中文名:Mimi Hines Mimi Hines
    • 英文名:Mimi Hines Mimi Hines
    • 星座:巨蟹座
    • 出生日期:1933年07月17日
    • 出生地:加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚省,温哥华
    • 职业:演员
    • imdb编号:nm0385699
    As the zany distaff member of the one-time husband-and-wife comedy team of "Ford and Hines," the incomparable Mimi Hines has withstood an amazing number of highs and lows in a five-decade career. Like the Sondheim song says, this trooper is, at age 70+, "still here." She was born in Canada in 1933 and grew up with a marvelous knack for making ...