
    • 中文名:Bryan
    • 英文名:C. Knight Bryan C. Knight
    • 星座:水瓶座
    • 出生日期:1966年02月16日
    • 出生地:加拿大,阿尔伯塔省,埃德蒙顿
    • 职业:副导演 / 演员 / 制片人 / 编剧
    • imdb编号:nm0460825
    Bryan C. Knight was born on February 16, 1966 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is an assistant director and actor, known for In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007), Alone in the Dark (2005) and House of the Dead (2003). He is married to Tanja Knight.