
    • 中文名:George
    • 英文名:O'Hanlon Jr. George O'Hanlon Jr.
    • 星座:射手座
    • 出生日期:1953年12月07日
    • 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶
    • 职业:演员
    • imdb编号:nm0641191
    George O'Hanlon, Jr. appeared in play productions at Agoura High School in California. After he signed with an agent, he was cast in the romantic drama Our Time (1974) on his first audition by producer Richard A. Roth. George comes from a family of actors: his father, George O'Hanlon, is a film actor, and his mother, Nancy O'Hanlon, was an actress...