
    • 中文名:尼诺·罗塔
    • 英文名:Nino Rota
    • 性别:
    • 星座:射手座
    • 出生日期:1911-12-03
    • 出生地:意大利,米兰
    • 职业:音乐 / 演员 / 编剧
    • imdb编号:nm0000065
    Born in Milan in 1911 into a family of musicians, Nino Rota was first a student of Orefice and Pizzetti. Then, still a child, he moved to Rome where he completed his studies at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in 1929 with Alfredo Casella. In the meantime, he had become an 'enfant prodige', famous both as a composer and as an orchestra conductor....