
    • 中文名:赫里斯托·穆塔夫奇埃夫
    • 英文名:Hristo Mutafchiev
    • 性别:
    • 星座:白羊座
    • 出生日期:1969年04月04
    • 出生地:保加利亚
    • 职业:演员
    • imdb编号:nm1086175
    Hristo Mutafchiev was born on the 4th of April 1969 in Karlovo, Bulgaria. In 1994 he has successfully graduated in acting at The National Acadamey for Theatre and Film Arts (Sofia), lectured by the professors Sejkova and Ilija Dobrev. Since then he has played many memorable parts at The Dramatic Theater "N.O Masalitinov" - Plovdiv, TV productions ...