
    • 中文名:野久保直树
    • 英文名:Naoki Nokubo
    • 星座:金牛座
    • 出生日期:1981年05月14
    • 出生地:日本,静冈县,岩田
    • 职业:演员 / 导演
    • imdb编号:nm3085858
    Born May 14, 1981 in Iwata-shi, Shizuoka, Japan (former Toyodachô, Iwata-gun, Shizuoka). He is very good at sports, especially baseball. He had been playing baseball since the first grader. In 1995, when he was the second grade in junior high school, had hit a home run at the Meiji Jingû Stadium (the home field of the Tokyo Yakult Swallows; ...