
    • 中文名:胡安·路易斯·布努埃尔
    • 英文名:Juan Luis Buñuel
    • 性别:
    • 星座:天蝎座
    • 出生日期:1934-11-09
    • 出生地:法国,巴黎
    • 职业:导演 / 编剧 / 副导演 / 演员
    • imdb编号:nm0125665
    Juan Luis Buñuel was born on November 9, 1934 in Paris, France. He was a director and assistant director, known for Expulsion of the Devil (1973), Calanda (1967) and The Woman in Red Boots (1974). He was married to Joyce Buñuel. He died on December 6, 2017 in Paris.