
    • 中文名:希塞利亚·维黑登
    • 英文名:Cecilia Verheyden
    • 星座:处女座
    • 出生日期:1985-09-21
    • 出生地:比利时,根特
    • 职业:副导演 / 导演 / 选角
    • imdb编号:nm3204725
    Cecilia Verheyden was born on September 21, 1985 in Ghent, Belgium. She is a director for movies and series. In 2007 she graduated with her short movie Ou Quoi. This film won a lot of international awards. From then on wards Cecilia is on the lookout for stories that need to be told. Currently, she directs TV series and movies. Her first documentary...