
    • 中文名:伯恩哈德·贾斯珀
    • 英文名:Bernhard Jasper
    • 性别:
    • 星座:天蝎座
    • 出生日期:1972-11-18
    • 出生地:德国,巴登-符腾堡,瓦尔茨胡特-田根
    • 职业:摄影 / 导演
    • imdb编号:nm0419297
    Bernhard Jasper was born in Germany at the 18th of November 1972. He is a cinematographer and director. With the age of 14 he started making short films and music clips himself, using the local school kit and later, at 15, his own first film camera. At the age of 19 he had several short films made and entered one into an amateur film festival. ...