
    • 中文名:Aaron Harberts Aaron Harberts
    • 英文名:Aaron Harberts Aaron Harberts
    • 星座:水瓶座
    • 出生日期:1973-01-20
    • 出生地:美国,艾奥瓦州,滑铁卢
    • 职业:编剧 / 制片人
    • imdb编号:nm0361912
    Aaron Harberts has served as an executive producer, showrunner, and co-showrunner on series such as Revenge (2011), Mercy (2009), Pushing Daisies (2007), Reign (2013), and GCB (2012). Harberts spent his childhood in Richmond, Indiana and his formative years in Fort Lauderdale, Florida before returning to the Midwest to attended Northwestern ...