
    • 中文名:切尔普朗·阿瑞库尔
    • 英文名:Cherprang Areekul
    • 性别:
    • 星座:金牛座
    • 出生日期:1996-05-02
    • 出生地:泰国,宋卡府,合艾县
    • 职业:演员
    • imdb编号:nm9987505
    Cherprang is a actress and one of first-generation member of Thai idol girl group BNK48. She was born in Hatyai, Sonkhla, Thailand. when she was 5 years old. Cherprang and her family moved to Bangkok, Thailand. Cherprang is a science student at the Mahidol University International College since 2014. she has also worked as a research assistant and...