
    • 中文名:鲍勃·彼德森
    • 英文名:Bob Peterson
    • 性别:
    • 星座:摩羯座
    • 出生日期:1961-01-18
    • 出生地:美国,俄亥俄州,伍斯特
    • 职业:配音 / 编剧 / 演员 / 导演
    • imdb编号:nm0677037
    Bob Peterson was born in Wooster, Ohio, USA, in 1961. He studied mechanical engineering at Ohio Northern University, where he took computer graphics courses and graduated in 1983. He continued his studies in mechanical engineering at Purdue University where he earned a master's degree in 1986. While a student, he wrote and drew a cartoon strip ...