
    • 中文名:Christopher Gambale Christopher Gambale
    • 英文名:Christopher Gambale Christopher Gambale
    • 星座:射手座
    • 出生日期:1970年11月23日
    • 出生地:美国,纽约,布鲁克林
    • 职业:制片人 / 编剧 / 演员 / 导演 / 剪辑
    • imdb编号:nm0303677
    After Starting in the entertainment industry at the age of 15, working alongside Bill Cosby and Jay Sandrich, director of The Cosby Show, Chris functioned as an assistant to Cosby and trained under Mr. Sandrich, sitting in the back row of the control room learning from one of the masters of television comedy (Soap, Mary Tyler Moore Show, Get Smart...