
    • 中文名:Simone Duhart Simone Duhart
    • 英文名:Simone Duhart Simone Duhart
    • 星座:摩羯座
    • 出生日期:1915-01-07
    • 出生地:法国
    • 职业:演员
    • imdb编号:nm0241066
    Simone Duhart was born on January 7, 1915 in Courbevoie, Seine [now Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France], France. She was an actress, known for Interdit au public (1949), Air of Paris (1954) and Un flic (1947). She died on July 4, 1984 in Clichy-la-Garenne, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France.