

    阅读数:18227 阿好 工作组管理员 2012-12-27 收藏



    You know, it's funny. Best parts of your life, you don't need a name. You get to be dad, sweetheart, pal.Seems like the only time you need a name now is when you're in trouble.

    Finch: I know you've spent the last couple of months trying to drink yourself to death. I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it, which would be a shame. So you see, knowledge is not my problem. Doing something with that knowledge... that's where you'd come in.(这里宅总对里叔自杀倾向有句吐槽,不知道为啥要删掉)
    Reese: Who send you? 谁派你来的
    Finch: Nobody send me. And you can call me Mr. Finch. 没人派我

    Finch: What if you could stop those?
    Reese: Let me're a psychic. 我猜猜看……你是灵媒(这句真不该删啊,我们的里叔从这里就体现出非凡的吐槽功力了啊!)
    Finch: No psychic, no magic. None of that. It's funny when I was a kid I wanted a jet pack, I wanted a summer house on Mars. Then I realized I was living in the information age. This was a shocking disappointmentto me, until I realized how revolutionary it was.All of us leaving a trail of information in our wake, most of it's useless. There's something hidden in all this mess. A faint outline of things to come. The right person in the right place with the right information could change everything. This is the problem I have, Mr. Reese,I've got a list. A list of people who are about to be involved in very bad situations. Murders, kidnappings.没有灵媒,没有魔法,都不是。有趣的是我小时候想要个单人飞行器,想要火星上的避暑别墅。后来我意识到自己生活在资讯时代。我对此感觉非常沮丧,直到我意识到这是一场伟大的变革。我们留下了大量的信息,绝大多数是无用。但这堆纷乱中颇多隐藏,雏形渐渐现身。掌握合适资讯的合适人选在合适的地方出现,可以改变一切。我的问题就在于,里瑟先生,

    Reese: Where did you get this list? 你从哪里弄到的名单
    Finch: Can't tell you, you'll have to trust me. The people that are on my list, they have no idea that anything's about to happen to them. Most of them are just ordinary people. 我不能告诉你,你只能相信我(你瞅宅总这脾气,啥都不说就要人家相信他)
    Reese: Like who? 比如呢
    Finch: Like her. Her name is Diane Hansen, and this week she's at the top of my list.
    Reese: You think something bad is gonna happen involving her? 你以为她会出事
    Finch:It's not that simple.I don't know exactly what's going to happen or what her role in it is. She might be the victim. She could be the perpetrator. All I know is that she's involved. I want you to follow her, figure out what's gonna to happen, and stop it from happening. So what do you think? 没那么简单
    Reese: Why not call the police? 为什么不报警
    Finch: If anybody knew I had this list, it would be...problematic. You would name your own salary expenses, whatever you need. So what do you think? 如果被人发现我有这名单,就麻烦了。随便你要多少钱都行,要什么都行。怎么样?(尼玛这种老板哪里找去?我恨不得也去地铁扮犀利哥了!!难怪里叔后来撞车烧钱刷黑卡跟玩儿似的,这尼玛就是第一集给惯出来的毛病啊!!这句怎么能删啊!!剪辑大哥你怎么想的啊!!)

    Finch: You left the government because they lied to you-- I never will. A man with your skills could make a lot of money in this world but you don't do it. I think all you ever wanted to do was protect people. 凭你的身手,你可以赚不少钱,但你却没有。(因为我们里叔不但要钱,也要人噢,而且要萌兔子宅总!——咳咳,其实我的意思是,少了这句,后面那句感觉有点突兀了啊!)

    Finch: She's an assistant district attorney. Best conviction record in her department.
    Reese:Great. Nice short list of possible suspects. 太好了,大大有利缩短嫌犯名单了(这句也不该删啊!里叔各种吐槽,删得就剩下“闲得蛋疼的阔佬”一句了,大大不利于里叔英明形象的塑造啊!——好吧我承认,对我这种脑残粉来说,里叔哪里都不该删~~)


    Finch: But I should tell you I'm a really private person.What have you found out about our Ms. Hansen? 汉森女士那里有什么发现
    Reese: Well, she's squeaky-clean. No debts, no attachments. But she is taking ulcer medication, sleeping pills. So she's scared or stressed about something. Assuming she's the target, I'm going through her work e-mails, case files, looking for anyone who stands out.她很干净,没债务,没抵押资产。不过她在吃溃疡药和安眠药。所以她要不就是被吓到了,要不就是压力很大。如果她是目标,我要通过她的工作电邮,案宗,查一下可疑人选。
    Finch: I've got picture on her.我有她的画面了(此处图书馆画面很多,感觉很温馨的,不是后来那个很破烂的画面,看来一开始是想弄好一点,后来为了符合本剧的偏暗主题,故意弄得荒废感很重。)
    Reese: But I need sound. I could hack her cell phone, use the microphone to listen in, Gps to track her. But that takes gear that's a little hard to come by.但我还需要声音,我可以黑进她的手机,利用麦克风窃听,利用GPS追踪。但设备有点难弄。
    Finch: Thought you might need that. So I built one.猜到你可能需要,我就做了一个。
    里叔用左手一边念念有词,一边认真地写下第三行“good with computers”擅长电脑——我给笑得都不行了~~~~大大的福利啊!!!里叔调戏太卖力了!!!

    Finch: It doesn't really matter where I get the numbers. What you need to know is that the next number that's up is hers.
    Reese: Trust works both ways, Finch. If telling me where you're getting these numbers would put your life some kind of risk信任是双向的,芬奇。如果告诉我你从何处得来这些号码会给你带来危险
    Finch: It would put a lot more people than just me at risk. And I'd say trusting an alcoholic ex-government hit man is a greater challenge than trusting a middle-age cripple. I have one more address for you to check out tonight.会给很多人带来危险。要我说,相信一个酗酒的前官方打手,难过相信一个中年瘸子。你今晚还要去一个地方。(知道机器是个病毒这一观点的首次出现,跟季终那几集大有呼应,也不该删啊!——而且有宅总吐槽里叔呢~~)

    Reese: Ok Mr. Finch, what am I doing here? 好了,芬奇先生,要我做什么?(这应该是全剧唯一的一次里叔听宅总的话叫了他一声Mr. Finch,还给删了——删得好!里叔你调戏就好了,表那么听话,那不是你的风格!)
    Finch: Sleeping. You have plenty to do tomorrow.睡觉。你明天还有很多事要做(送栋房子就要人家睡觉,这样真的好么宅总~~)
    Reese: What are you talking about? Who lives here? 你说什么?谁住在这里
    Finch:You do, Mr. Reese. 你,里瑟先生

    然后卡特弄到里叔的资料了,打开后里边红红的大写"file redacted"——有这幕才合理嘛!不然前边说了犀利哥各种指纹吻后,后边没这个,怎么说得过去?

    豆豆:Despite the fact that this drug-slinging piece of trash shot him in the gut.虽然那王八蛋给了他一枪
    对方律师:your honor. 法官大人(要提反对了)
    豆豆:Pardon me, your honor. Despite the fact that this drug-slinging piece of trash allegedly shot him in the gut. 抱歉法官大人,虽然那王八蛋“据说”给了他一枪(这也不该删的,豆豆的搞笑天赋在这里就定型了,很有爱的~~没了这幕,第一集对豆豆毫无感觉,后来才慢慢喜欢上的~~~)



    然后的闪回里,里叔卖萌“I look like a Cindy”后,洁西卡说还没告诉她妈妈,里叔回应
    "It's been six months. You mean you haven't told your mom you left your ex? Maybe you're starting to think you got a bum deal trading an officer for an enlisted man."都六个月了,你还没告诉你妈妈你跟前任男友分手了?是不是开始感觉为了一名士兵放弃一位政府官员太吃亏了。(这里可能是后边出现的是洁西卡的后任,而非前任,所以就干脆删了)
    然后里叔表示自己要退役了,因为“I've been training my whole life for something that's never gonna happen. Every's too damn rich to go to war. I'm obsolete and I love it. Because it means I get to be with you. I get my discharge in a month. Then I'm gonna buy a boat. And you get to be my first mate.But first, we need some more tequila.”我这辈子都在训练自己,防备那些永远都不会发生的事。每个人想的都是钱,不会再有战争了。我已经没用了,不过我喜欢这样。因为这意味着我可以跟你在一起了。我一个月后就能退役了。然后我要买一艘船。你来当我的大副。再然后里叔打电话要酒,洁西卡打开电视,看到九一一了(唉,我能说什么呢?叔啊,有些话是不能说的!比如某人要是吹牛自己从不感冒,多半就离伤风不远了~~)


    Finch: Suddenly all that money didn't seem to amount to much. Do you have a phone? Could you turn it off?你有手机吗?关掉好吗?
    (里叔就很乖滴关机了,还四下查看,疑似有人监视呢)Let's walk我们走走吧(然后一边走一边说)Then I got a telephone call from an old friend at the Pentagon.我接到一位五角大楼朋友的电话(应该是指基友接到艾丽西娅的电话,不过跟后面比有点说不通,所以删掉也好)
    After the attacks, The government gave itself the power to read every email, listen to every cell phone, But they needed something that could sort through it all, something that could pick the terrorists out of the general population before they could act.
    Reese: They tired, Able Danger, SpiNNaker, TIA. But they were all failures. 政府试过了,潜在危险计划,三角帆计划,TIA计划。但都失败了。(后面某集的特工小哥借用了这段台词)
    Finch: Well their biggest failure was bad PR. 最大的失败是公关The public wanted to be protected. They just didn't want to know how they were being protected. So when they finally got a system that worked, they kept it secret.
    Reese: So how do you know about it?
    Finch: I built it. "Good with computers." Remember? “擅长电脑”,记得不?(话说这里简直是神吐槽啊!难怪后来里叔没再用那笔记本了,不好意思了——不是吧里叔?你脸皮真这么薄么?)

    宅总说完信息会在午夜被删除后,加上一句The whole point of Pandora's Box, once you open it, you can't close it.That irrelevant list was eating away at me. All those people with no idea what was coming for them潘多拉的盒子,一旦打开,就再也关不上了。……那些人不知道自己即将遭遇什么。

    然后多了一段两人分析的情景,最后那句“we stop them”巨帅啊叔!——为毛删掉的全是有爱的片段涅?是怕太多人鼻血横流么?怕第一集就太基情逼死同人么?

    那个女POI要豆豆除理掉叔之前,说了一句He's alone, that's what he is, so he doesn't matter.他是一个人,就这样,所以无关紧要。天啊,这句太不应该删了!alone这个词是软肋啊!in the end we all alone. You’re alone. I’m not alone.之后的每一句台词都意味深长啊!这开局为什么要删这句啊!!!以后里叔包括卡特说那句” I’m not alone”时多有感觉啊!!!

    坏人威胁说要害里叔的朋友和家人时,里叔回答I don't have any friends. I don't have any family left either.Left them all behind.都被我抛下了(这句……太虐了~~~~)

    Reese: Two questions. First, why me?
    Finch: I've been watching you for a long time, John. We have more in common than you might think. The world thinks we're both dead, for starters.(此处有回眸一笑啊)You said two questions. 你说有两个问题的
    You programmed the machine to delete those irrelevant numbers. Now you're trying to save them. What changed your mind?
    Finch: Let's just say you're not the only one that's lost someone. If you wanna leave, I'll give you enough money to get as far as you need. Disappear.
    Reese: And if I stay?
    Finch: They'll come looking for you. The police, the mob, your old friends at the CIA. If you stay and we continue to do this...sooner or later both of us'll probably wind up dead. Actually dead this time. 他们会冲着你来的。警察,黑帮,你在中情局的老朋友。如果你留下,我们继续下去……

