2009最性感男人约翰·尼德普(JOHNNY DEPP)

从系列电影《加勒比海盗》中性感的浪荡海盗到《剪刀手爱德华》里怪异的痴情种子,从他21岁时在《卧底校探》中饰演少年侦探开始,这位46岁的明星就让女人为之倾倒。但他对家庭的奉献才真正使他成为人们钟爱的演员。他谈到他的孩子,10岁的莉莉·罗斯和7岁的杰克,他说:“我可以一整天什么都不做,看着他们慢慢长大。是他们鼓舞着我。”瑞安·雷诺兹(RYAN REYNOLDS)

他们在电影《求婚》中也许总在吵架,但女主角桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock )对这位33岁的演员难掩崇拜之情。她说:“瑞安真是个好男人。他非常忠诚可靠,可以保守秘密。但他的精神世界真的很黑暗,神秘莫测。”杰克·吉伦希尔(JAKE GYLLENHAAL)

和他一起出演《兄弟情仇》28岁的娜塔丽·波特曼(Natalie Portman)夸奖他说:“杰克模仿别人很准确,和他一起工作让你很开心。他弹吉他而且声音很好听。孩子和狗都喜欢他。他爱他的母亲、姐妹和女友。他是个完美的人。可惜就是脾气不好。” 布莱德利·库珀(BRADLEY COOPER)

这位主演《宿醉》的34岁明星已经有一位粉丝了,就是和他共同出演的演员海瑟·格拉汉姆(Heather Graham)。她说:“很明显他长得很帅,但他人品也很好。他表现的很男人,同时还很敏感。他让女人觉得自己很有魅力。当你和他在一起时,他总说‘我喜欢你的裙子’。”小罗伯特·唐尼(ROBERT DOWNEY JR.)

米歇尔·莫娜汉(Michelle Monaghan)和他共同出演即将上映的《归心似箭》。她这样夸奖这位大约44岁的明星:“罗伯特有种办法让他周围的人感觉亲切舒服。不论何时看到他,我离开时都带着笑颜。也许是因为那双美丽的棕色眼睛吧。”大卫·贝克汉姆(DAVID BECKHAM)

为何这位34岁的球星成为最性感的男人之一。问问他妻子维多利亚就知道了。她在《人物》杂志上说:“大卫是出色的丈夫。善良而且非常浪漫,他是优秀的运动员同时也是好父亲。他很爱我们的三个男孩,所以他对我来说就是最性感的男人。”吉勒·马里尼(GILLES MARINI)


《欢乐合唱团》中演技出众的演员们,27岁的克里·蒙蒂斯(Cory Monteith)、31岁的马修·莫瑞森(Matthew Morrison及27岁的马克·赛林(Mark Salling)也去拉斯维加斯拍照了。在市中心的时候,他们去本地娱乐场所玩了一下,还看了霍利·麦迪森(Holly Madison)的脱衣舞秀《西洋镜》。莫瑞森说:“只是美女脱衣服而已,对我来说没什么。”尼克·坎农(NICK CANNON)

这位《美国达人》29岁的主持人的确知道如何让他生命中重要的女人开心。问问他在家听的最性感的歌曲是什么!他的回答是:“当然是玛利亚·凯莉的专辑。我们在谈的是玛利亚·凯莉,她当然喜欢听自己的歌。”亚当·兰伯特(ADAM LAMBERT)

你看过《美国偶像》吧?如果你是个积极乐观的人,一定看过。27岁的兰伯特说:“我喜欢有活力的人。如果能和他们在一起那就更好了。”约翰·赵(JOHN CHO)

从《寻堡奇遇》中内向的男主角到《未来闪影》里的性感FBI探员,这个角色走路的方式很性感。37岁的周说:“如果你佩戴真枪,当它在你腰间时,你走路的方式就不一样,你的手摆向不同地方。”克里斯·道奇(CHRIS DAUGHTRY)

这位29的歌星献上他的即兴小曲,表现出了他的性感:“最性感的男人/我至少前五/我有点秃头/上不了封面/至少别出现/在20页后。”杰瑞·奥康耐(JERRY O'CONNELL)

有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。在速比涛(Speedo)广告拍摄中,35岁的性感明星再次显示了他的幽默感。和他妻子瑞贝卡·若敏(Rebecca Romijn)谈到11个月大的双胞胎女儿时说:“如果她们惹恼我,我就穿着速比涛泳裤去剪草坪,就让她们难堪。”约翰·莱甄德(JOHN LEGEND)

这位正和名模克里斯汀·蒂珍(Christine Tiegen )约会的30岁的低吟歌手,承认在拉斯维加斯玩得很愉快但有点罪恶感。“绅士俱乐部很好玩。但我好久没去脱衣舞俱乐部了。”罗伯特·帕丁森(ROBERT PATTINSON)

Sexiest Man Alive 2009JOHNNY DEPPFrom a sexy swashbuckler in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise to quirkier roles like Edward Scissorhands, the 46-year-old star has had women swooning since his days as a teen detective on 21 Jump Street. Yet it's his devotion to his family that really makes the actor so endearing. "I could sit there all day and do nothing but watch them grow," he's said of children Lily-Rose, 10, and Jack, 7. "I'm totally inspired by them."RYAN REYNOLDSThey may have sparred onscreen in The Proposal, but costar Sandra Bullock has nothing but admiration for the actor, 33. "Ryan is a really good man. He's really loyal, very trustworthy, and he can keep a secret," she says. "And he's got the sickest mind. His mind is a dark, scary place."JAKE GYLLENHAAL"Jake is the kind of guy who can do a spot-on impression of someone you work with that will make you giggle," raves Brothers costar Natalie Portman about the 28-year-old. "He plays guitar and has a great voice. Kids and dogs love him. He loves his mom and sister and girlfriend. He's perfect. Too bad he's ugly."BRADLEY COOPERThe Hangover star, 34, has already won over a fan in his costar Heather Graham. "Obviously he's very great looking, but he also has a great personality," she says. "He manages to be manly while still being sensitive. As a woman, he makes you feel very attractive. When you're around him, he's always like, 'I love your dress.'"ROBERT DOWNEY JR."Robert has a way of making everyone around him feel very special and comfortable," Michelle Monaghan, his costar in the upcoming Due Date, raves about the 44-year-old. "Whenever I see him, I walk away smiling. Those beautiful brown eyes may have something to do with it."DAVID BECKHAMWhy is the 34-year-old soccer phenom one of the sexiest men alive? Just ask his wife Victoria. "David is a wonderful husband. He is kind and incredibly romantic," she tells PEOPLE. "He is a brilliant sportsman and an amazing father. He idolizes our three boys, and this is what makes him 'the sexiest man alive' to me."GILLES MARINIThe married Brothers and Sisters star, 33, admits to indulging in getaways with his buddies when in Sin City. "Let's be real. My wife doesn't really enjoy gambling or going out too late," he says. " definitely with your buddies. You can let loose."THE GLEE GUYSThe show-stopping stars of Glee – Cory Monteith, 27; Matthew Morrison, 31; and Mark Salling, 27 – also hit the Vegas strip for their sexy shoot. While in town, they took advantage of some of the local entertainment, including Holly Madison's burlesque revue Peepshow. "It was just some beautiful women taking off their clothes," Morrison says. "Never a bad thing in my book."NICK CANNONThe 29-year-old host of America's Got Talent sure knows how to make the main woman in his life happy. Just ask him the sexiest music to play at home! "A Mariah Carey record, of course," he says. "We're talking about Mariah Carey. Of course she loves to hear herself."ADAM LAMBERTThink you have a shot with the American Idol star? You do if you're an upbeat person. "I love people with good energy," says Lambert, 27. "It's even better when you can hook up with one of them."JOHN CHOHe's gone from stoner hero in the Harold and Kumar movies to hot FBI agent in FlashForward – a role that comes with a sexy walk "if you're carrying a real gun. When it's on your hip, you lead differently; your hands go to different places," says Cho, 37.CHRIS DAUGHTRYThe singer, 29, offers up this impromptu ditty about what it means to be sexy: "'Sexiest man alive?'/Am I at least Top 5?/I know being bald/won't get me the cover/I just hope it's not page twentysomething or other."JERRY O'CONNELLWhen you've got it, flaunt it! The sexy star, 35, showed off his sense of humor – and then some! – in his Speedo shoot. "If my kids ever annoy me, I'll go and mow our lawn in a Speedo," he says of his 11-month-old twin girls with wife Rebecca Romijn. "Just to embarrass them."JOHN LEGENDThe 30-year-old crooner – who is dating model Christine Tiegen – admits to a certain guilty pleasure when in Las Vegas: "Gentlemen's clubs. But I haven't been to a strip club in a while."ROBERT PATTINSONWhat list of sexy men would be complete without the New Moon heartthrob? From his eyes to his artfully messy hair, the 23-year-old makes girls swoon the world over – or does he? As Pattinson says, "I still can't get a date."
