
    【娱乐八卦】 《绝望主妇》中谁会在本季去世?

    阅读数:78 梁良 OP 2009-11-08 收藏

    原文--New: Who’s Dying on Desperate Housewives?- It’s a show runner’s prerogative to change his mind. So, although he insisted he wasn’t killing off any characters in this November’s big Wisteria Lane plane crash, Desperate Housewives boss man Marc Cherry has decided, on second thought, to kill several, including one that my mole says is a fan favorite. (Ausiello)

    New: There are some changes coming to Desperate Housewives this Fall — apparently a plane crash will send at least one of the residents of Wisteria Lane to the grave. Marc Cherry is reportedly plotting to kill off several cast members, including a “fan favorite” during November sweeps. I’m thinking we might need to prepare to say farewell to Mrs. McCluskey, Andrew, or even Katherine, who now seems a bit superfluous since Drea de Matteo moved in. (KristinEonline)

    《绝望主妇》中谁会在本季去世?只有本剧运作人才能决定。尽管本剧的老板Marc Cherry前期声称在11月的紫藤郡飞机坠毁事件中,他不会要任何角色死去。但经过进一步考虑,他已决定让一些角色离开,我的内线称其中包括一个深受影迷喜爱的角色。(Ausiello)

    秋季《绝望主妇》会迎来一些变化。飞机坠毁事件显然会将至少一个居民送进坟墓。据报道,在11月人员大清洗中,Marc Cherry预计让一些角色离开,包括一个深受影迷喜爱的角色。我想也许我们要和说再见了,Drea De Matteo加入剧集后,她现在显得有点多余了。(KristinEonline)

